9th - 11th Nov. 2017 We gladly give you advice on lifetime extension for your wind energy converter. Participate in our presentation: „no lifetime extension without load simulation!“
IDASWIND at HUSUM Wind 2017 Our expert in the field of continued operation of wind turbines ...
CLEANTECH - IDASWIND is a candidate for participation in the AUTODESK Entrepreneur Impact Program Our expert in the field of continued operation of wind turbines ...
The German Wind Energy Association represents the interests of wind energy members in public, organizes events and publishes
guidelines and studies. Idaswind actively participates in the BWE expert committees.
IDASWIND experts were significantly involved in the development of the guideline „Basic Principles for performing an Assessment and Verfication oft he lifetime extension of onshore wind energy converters (BWP).“ 2.edition 2017 of the German Wind Energy Association BWE.
IDASWIND participated on a consultative basis in the development of the guideline „DNV GL standard and service specification for lifetime extension of wind turbines“